WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE- “A” contract project

12WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE by Maurice Sendak has been a very popular book for the lower elementary children. This is actually a book my son’s teacher used in second grade to conduct writing prompts for the students. From this book, there are many ideas which emerge for a lesson plan, which many of them include hand on activities and the students working cooperatively.



The following are activities which can be done in three days. However, they can be altered according to the children’s grade level and interest in activities. As an integration, the teacher and students can come up with more ideas/activities to add for the rest of the week.

Students get to create crafts based on the reading:

The following worksheet will be given to students. Their final monster will “look” according to their answers from the worksheet


This is a final “monster” from one of the students; every monster will look different


Another great idea is using various types of food in order to “re-create” model pictures from the book (toothpicks- grapes, cheese, apples, pears, dry spaghetti, chocolate, sprinkles, etc. are great items to be used)

Food activities

The third activity will allow the children to go outside and explore around. Paper and color pencils will be provided and they will have the opportunity to draw their own monsters in their backyard

children drawing
Photo CC: blog.oregonlive.org 

KWHL – where the wild things are

Pictures and lesson plan ideas retrieved from: inspirationlaboratories.com




2 thoughts on “WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE- “A” contract project

  1. I think this activity is one of my favorites as well. As you say, it allows the students to be creative and use their imagination; after all, this is what it is all about. It is okay to be different, if we were all the same it would be boring.


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