My reading plan…



I definitely have to find time to sit down and read! After all, reading is good exercise for the brain, right? I hope that taking this Children’s Literature class will help me in my journey as a future teacher to better understand reading, and to help children learn to love books. Unfortunately, as a small child, I did not have the opportunity many children do have here in this country to access a public library. Many of the books I had were handed down to me from my two older brothers; and of course, most of the time they were ripped, missing a few pages, and falling apart.

Over the years, many teachers have taught me the beautiful art of reading and I have learned to enjoy it, that is when I do happen to find some free time to actually enjoy a book for pleasure and not because I have to read it. I have a son who is seven years and he loves going to the library. I want to continue encouraging him to look at books and to read then. When he was in first grade he was below average for his reading level. With a few months of reading with a para one on one, he exceed beyond his reading level. It is amazing what a few months can do.

Today, as I take this class, I hope to learn much and to share and discuss my personal and  critical responses with other students who are also going into the same field. There are so many books out there that children and adults too, can enjoy.

8 thoughts on “My reading plan…

  1. Mayra, I love that despite your circumstances of not having easy access to a library growing up, you have still come to love reading! It just shows how much we take for granted, I had never really thought of the library as a great resource but it is, and I am even more glad that we are able to go to one whenever we want now, after having read your post. It is great that you have passed down your love for reading to your son! I too am doing the same with my son, he loves going to the library just as much as I do.


    1. Thank you Jessica! I have to say that despite of not having a library access, my parents and teachers taught me to read and to love books. Today, I am happy I learned to read and as I mentioned before, I want to lead my son in the right path of loving to read books as well. I am happy you are teaching the same concept to your son. How old is he?


      1. That is wonderful, teachers are the best they always have a way of teaching us something that we take with us for the rest of our lives. My son just turned 4, he is going to be an early reader because he just loves books and asking what this and that word is, he loves trying to make his own words and sound them out as well.


  2. It is hard when you aren’t given the resources from early on in life! But it is awesome that you are still willing and eager to become a person who reads more often and makes it a part of your life! I also love that you took your experiences and are making sure that your son is brought up in an environment where reading and learning is something that is easily accessible. I think it is so important to introduce reading at a young age and make it something that isn’t seen as scary or boring!


    1. Unfortunately many people do not have the resources other people do. However, I believe we should still try to over come this obstacles and as you say, “be willing and eager to become a person who reads more often and makes it a part o your life!” In the long run we will be glad we made this decision.


  3. That is so wonderful that your son likes to go to the library and that he has improved on his reading. A library is such a great resource. I make frequent trips to the library with my children. We not only go to check out books. Sometimes we just meet there with friends to “play”, attend library programs such as story time and lego day. If your child is comfortable with the library, it will help them to enjoy books and want to read. Sometimes we check out one book and sometimes twenty books.


    1. Yes, my son and I definitely do enjoy going to the library. For him, there is always something to do there wether it is looking at books, reading a book, playing on the computer, or playing with the toys. And in regards to checking out books, we do the same thing too. Sometimes it will be one book we check out, sometimes too many to even carry to the car.


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