It is Monday! What are you reading?


66.jpgThe seven Blind Mice book is a cute story about several mice who are blind and try to find out what is going on at the pond. As each of them go out, they can not agree what is that they find until the last mouse goes.





67.jpgSmoky book is a great book for those children who are compassionate and care to help other children. I mean, who does not want to help those people and pets in need? The pictures in the book help make your own story in your head.



9.jpgThis poor grandma is just trying to find some alone time to get her things done. However, with so many grandkids in the house, she tries different areas, until finally, she was able to find the right spot to knit her sweaters.




This could be a great book in a Spanish class. Children will enjoy this book as they learn new vocabulary. Pappa Rabbit got lost, so his son, Pancho, must go look for him.


This is a cute book full of colorful pictures

14taken in the wild during the winter season. The wild animals are trying to figure out if they (the children) are out there. I think this book could be used in a class project.




The conflict between colors still exist in a California school. A Hispanic family decide to go to court after their son who spoke perfect English is denied entrance to an all white school.





This is a book that will allow the readers to use their imagination as they read about the plant and how it grows. As it grows, the different animals come and use it as a shelter.




As we read the story, we find out that everyone is too busy to do anything fun. That is, until the lights go out in the whole city and people start to have lots of fun without lights. All of a sudden, the lights come back and everyone goes back to their ordinary lives. Well, except for one family,…



Not a box book allows children to use their imagination. What can you build with a box? Maybe a train, a car, a stove? How about a robot? When the imagination is put to use, anything can be possible.



Where the wild things are… mmm I am not too sure about this book. I am not sure if this is any age appropriate for children. Especially, when it starts out by the child disobeying his mom and he gets sent to his room. I understand he is using his imagination as he goes through the forest, but at the same time, the other monsters have to do what the child wants. And this is not always the case!


Can you imagine turning around and finding a lion and monkeys in your kitchen? I really did enjoy this book. The author definitely allows the reader to use their imagination and wonder what is going to happen next. Predictions are clear as the book comes to an end.



99.jpgIn this nonfiction book, we continue to encounter racism. This is a great book for children to learn that none should be treated differently regardless of their skin color or learning capacity.



Radiant Child is the story of a child who at a young age saw art in everything he read and saw. This is a great book to help children realize the one can be anything if you for hard for it while remembering that being different is ok. If we were all the same life would be boring. Everyone has different ideas to bring to the table.



Last stop on the Market Street is a great way to start teaching children that some are less fortunate than others, especially, when your skin is darker than the majority of the population.




First the egg? If you were asked what came first, the chicken or the egg? What would you respond? This is one of those books were events happen in sequence. Without one thing, the other cannot happen.


15 thoughts on “It is Monday! What are you reading?

  1. I enjoyed reading through this list of books and your reviews and descriptions of them. I especially like that many of the books you chose involved deeper messages for children such as racism, individuality, and compassion for others. I am a little surprised at your ideas on Where the Wild Things Are, however. This is a book that many have enjoyed reading during their childhood and although I was not a big fan of the movie, some did really enjoy it as well. I can see your perspective about the main character being disobedient but I think sometimes books should be a little rebellious in order to foster a child’s creative mind. This is an award winning book and not on the banned books list as far as I know. Out of curiosity,at what age or grade level would you be introducing this book? What age or grade level do you feel it should be introduced to students, if at all?


    1. Amanda,
      I happened to find many books about racism, individuality and compassion as you mentioned; I really did enjoyed them. And about the book, Where the Wild Things Are, I am still not too sure about this book. Yes, it allows the children to expand their imagination, but I don’t know, I guess there was something about it that I did not care much for. I think this would be a good book for a 3rd grader. As they are matured enough to understand that misbehaving, bossing others around, and not listening to your parents is not good.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think 3rd grade would probably be appropriate as well. Surprisingly, I have found that children understand these kinds of issues much sooner than we give them credit for. I also love reading books about how to overcome diversity in our world. I think for children, especially, it is a great way for them to learn how to have acceptance for others.


      2. Yes, I agree with you. Diversity has become such a big issue now days. I do agree with you that children understand these kinds of issues much sooner that we think. This is why it is very important to talk about it, rather than hiding it.


  2. I read some of the same books as you and I am glad to see that you enjoyed them! The story of the seven blind mice absolutely cracked me up – I had no idea where the story was going but totally understood it in the end!


    1. Oh yes there are so many good books out there for sure. I guess sometimes we just have to take time out of our busy schedule to sit down and read them. I also enjoyed this book, it was great.


  3. Mayra,
    I too loved the book Smokey! My favorite part is the content that it covered, it showed most of us something different than we are used to. It showed us how others may live a great eye opener I think. And I feel that this book is so relevant to what is going on in Texas right now with all the flooding. This book teaches us that we need to get to know someone before judging them, and that in time of need we seem to forget the differences between people. I think that we see this right now in Texas, people are forgetting the differences between them like skin color and views on different things. Instead they are focusing on what they have in common, that they all need help that they are all in distress. If we could all just focus on the things we have in common all of the time and not only in the time of distress the world would be such a better place! This is a perfect book to read with everything going on in our country right now. I absolutely loved it! I a glad to have read your review on Freedom in Congo Square, I have not read it but will read it to my son this week, another great book to go along with everything going on right now. Thank you for your reviews!


    1. Jessica,
      I agree with you. This and many other books are great to read to children. I absolutely enjoyed both of them as well. And you are so right, this book is so relevant with what is going on now in Texas.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the books you picked. I read most of those last week. The once I did not read I want to try to read them they look really interesting. For example, Smokey Night look really good and educational for everyone.


    1. Awesome! I really do enjoy books which talk about diversity. I believe that exposing children to these books is “necessary” especially, today that we have melting pot all over the classrooms!


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