Reading Challenge Check-in…

IMG_2150.JPGWell, my reading challenge has definitely been a challenge for me. Apparently it is easier to say I will be accomplishing many things, than to actually getting it done; all of it! For my reading challenge I decided to read the Froggy series books. I have actually read most of them and have definitely enjoyed them.

Along with the Froggy books, I decided to also read, Reading in the Wild, which is more of a long lecture book, but with lots of information for us future teachers and what we can do in order to help our students love to read and enjoy books. Along with all of these books, I have also added more books in between reading these books.

In regards to my progress, I would rate myself at a 75 to 80% with my challenge. I have continued going to the library and have found many great books which I have enjoyed reading them with my son. He also continues to bring books from his school and we definitely enjoy reading them together. What can I do in order to continue accomplishing my reading challenge? I have asked myself many times. I have found myself many times falling asleep on the first or second page, which that is not good. Since I work the graveyard shifts, it is very hard to stay awake throughout my reading process, but I am trying. One of the tips I learned from Reading in the Wild, was to have several books all over the house and this way whenever I have free time, even five minutes, use this time wisely and get some reading done. I have to say it has worked pretty good. Even last time when I was at the airport waiting for my mom and did not have a book, I ended up reading one of my sons books, Mr. Burke is Berserk. This was a different book, but I ended up enjoying it.

I hope everyone else is also is doing well with their reading challenge…keep up the good work fellow classmates.

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