Why Are Read Alouds So Important?

Read alouds are very important, especially for young children as they help expand their vocabulary. As a future teacher, it will be very important to introduce the students to read alouds at the beginning of the year and to keep a daily routine. What can read alouds offer to students? As Franki mentions in her blog, http://readingyear.blogspot.com/2014/09/building-read-aloud-routine-in-3rd-grade.html read alouds “is the time when we come together around a book and enjoy it together. But it is far more than enjoying a book. Our conversations help us build and grow our thinking and give us strategies for understanding longer, more complex books.  I know if the conversation is to grow over the course of the year, I need to choose books carefully for read aloud.” I do believe read alouds bring the students together as they discuss and share what they have been reading. It also introduces the children to various authors and levels of reading. Involving students in their choice of reading is also very important as it gives them the power to choose books according to their taste.

I have had the opportunity to read many books and explore various authors this semester. Some of these books have been great, and others I have not enjoyed too much. Having to choose 10 books is hard since there has been many great books. Here are some of the books I would recommend to other readers… however, let me tell you that there is not theme to them, but they are great books!

Out of all these books, the ones I enjoyed the most are Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower, all the Froggy books, Mr. Burke is Berserk, Number the Stars, Touching Spirit Bear, and of course, Love You Forever which was a book that was given to me by my friend when I was pregnant. I have read this book several times and every time I read it, I enjoy it more and more.

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