Reading Meme…

Photo CC: by Google search 

All this semester I have continued with my reading, and have read a lot of interesting books. At one point, I did my reading meme about sunsets. However, I decided to change it to It Is Monday! What Are You Reading? meme. If I remember correctly, I never did announce it to my fellow classmates.

All in all, I am excited to announce that I have kept up with my reading and my meme. With the Froggy books, I do need to go back to the library and find more books by Jonathan London; such a great author!

2 thoughts on “Reading Meme…

    1. There have been several books I have enjoyed during my reading journey, including picture books and chapter books. As a future teacher, I plan to teach the younger children, maybe third grade and under. Of course, the picture books will be more appropriate for them. However, it would also be nice to expose them to chapter books and get a different taste for books.
      Since I started reading Jonathan London’s books, I have really enjoyed them, and so has my son who is in second grade. Of course, there are other authors out there I also enjoy, but I do not necessarily have a favorite one in particular


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