WWW (What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you will read next?)

Photo CC by: Epic reads

Wow, as incredible as it sounds, I got done with the book, Counting the stars, by Lois Lowry in just four days! Since I started reading this book, I knew this was the kind of material I had been looking for. This book took place back in 1948 when Germany was invading many small countries in Europe.

As I read the book, I actually thought this was a nonfiction book. However, to my surprise, Lois, the author states that the characters are fake people,  but the story Annemarie, the protagonist tells is a true story told to Lois by a good friend of hers whom actually did live through all of these events. The way Lois gave life to her characters and the words she chose, made the book sound as if Annemarie was actually living all of this herself.

I strongly encourage this book to anyone interested in history. I think this book is appropriate for a fourth or fifth grader. I was actually doing some research, and found out there is a movie too. I have to say I am glad I got the opportunity to read the book first, and then I will try to find the movie and see what the differences are, if there are any. Most of the time I find myself very disappointed with the movie, especially, if I have read the book first. I guess my imagination was way better than the movie…


4 thoughts on “WWW (What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you will read next?)

  1. That is great that you are so interested in history books! I love reading books that are true events with fictional characters, it makes it so interesting to just know that what you are reading is a true story, but still entertaining enough with the fictional characters! great post


  2. Thank you! Ever since I read Anne Frank’s Diary, I became very interested in this kind of material. I believe that is why I was able to finish Number the Stars so fast. It is a material I really did enjoy and was able to choose myself.


  3. This sounds like a really interesting book. Is the name of the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry? I would like to check it out. I read a book on this same subject, The Boys Who Challenged Hilter by Philip Hoose, you might be interested in checking out.


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